Roles Management
Permissions required
Organization & User management > Manage roles and permissions
In Roles Management, you can list roles and filter them based on name and visibility. With the proper permissions, you can also edit or delete existing teams and create new ones. When a role is deleted, all members and teams instantly lose any access granted by this role to them in any part of the organization.
The interface for editing roles is very similar to the one for adding roles. You will be asked to define a role with a set of 3 attributes:
- Name
- Set of permissions
- Visibility
The name helps you identify the role when you modify it or use it later to define access. Pick a good name that will describe the permissions well.
Permissions allow you to specify what access the role grants. Permissions are currently divided into seven categories: Payments, Customers & Payment methods, Reports, Analytics, Routing & connection, Organization & User management, and Developers. Each category contains specific permissions, like viewing transactions, managing routing rules, etc.
Visibility defines the part of your organization to which this role can later be applied. If you select the top-level organization node, the role will be visible to use anywhere in the org; if you choose one project group - you will be able to apply this role to this group or any group/project within this group; if you choose a project – this role will only be available to apply for this one project. Visibility does not specify where the role is applied but rather at which levels of the organization it will appear as available to use.
Default Roles
Your organization comes with two roles already created:
- Default Admin Role - a role with all permissions enabled.
- Default Read-only Role - a role with all read permissions enabled.
Updated 7 months ago