
Permissions required

Developers > Manage API keys

To access ProcessOut API, you need to authenticate using an API key. This section helps you to manage your existing keys and create new ones. Production keys are completely separate from sandbox keys. There are tabs at the top of the API keys section, allowing you to switch between the two environments.

When creating a new key, you will have to specify a set of permissions and select projects this API key will grant those permissions to. You will only be able to see the secret of the key immediately after it is created, so take a note of it.

It is not possible to change an existing key, neither by adding/removing permissions nor by adding or removing projects this API key works with. When previewing a key you can see details of what projects this key gives access to and what are the permissions it grants access to on those projects.

We recommend you disable an API key before removing it completely. Removing an API key is an irreversible operation; any integrations still using the key will stop working. The only way to resolve this is to create a new key and update your integrations to use it. Disabling an API key will have the same initial result as deleting it, but will allow you to quickly re-enable it if you realize some integrations are still using it.