Data explorer for analytics
The Data explorer lets you create analytic data charts to gain insights about your business. You can
combine several of these charts together to form a board, so that you can compare several sets of data over the same time period.
Getting started
Go to Dashboard › Analytics › Data explorer to see the main screen. At the top of the screen
is the Chart builder, which lets you select and vary parameters for your chart and see their effects. The actual specification for the chart is written in a code format. The Chart builder generates this using preset options from its menus but you can also use the Code editor to modify the code directly.
Transactions are the basic data samples for analytics. You can generate a chart using various fields from the
transactions, and also values calculated from those fields. Choose the main field or calculation for your chart by selecting a preset from the Display menu. Click the date range box at the top right of the page to select a different time period for the graph.
The Group by menu lets you choose a grouping to break the data down more finely over the time period (the groups contain all transactions that have the same value for the field that you want to group by). The graph initially groups transactions by their creation date, but you could group by currency instead, for example.
Use the buttons just below and to the right of the chart to select one of the available display formats. Note that
formats are disabled if they are not appropriate for the type of data.
- Total: This is just the total number of data items in the period that match your criteria.
- Line graph: For groupings that have a defined ordering (such as creation date), you can plot a line graph that shows how values vary from one group to the next.
- Histogram: This shows the totals for each group as vertical bars. If the grouping has a defined ordering then the groups appear in that order, which gives a similar display to the line graph.
- Pie chart: This shows the groups as angular sections of a circle.
- World map: For geographical groupings (such as country), you can view the data on an interactive world map. Hover the cursor over a country or other area to view its total.
You can also apply one or more filters to the transactions so that only transactions that match your filter conditions are counted. Use the Where menu to add conditions to the filter (it will select only transactions where the condition is true). For example, you could limit the count to transactions where the currency unit is US dollars.
Constructing a chart
You will often find that you can generate the chart you need by selecting a preset from the Display menu and then applying the right grouping and filter conditions. If you need a more complex calculation then you can create it using the code editor. However, we still recommend that you start with a preset that is similar to the chart you want and then modify it, rather than starting from scratch.
Most of the presets use a single field from the transaction and so they are fairly self-explanatory. The calculations used by the presets in the Payment performance category are explained in more detail below:
- Conversion rate: The number of successfully authorized transactions divided by the total number of transactions (ie, the fraction of all transactions that were successfully authorized).
- Authorization rate: The number of successful authorizations divided by the total number of authorizations (ie, the fraction of all authorizations that were successful).
- Refund rate: The number of refunds divided by the number of successful captures (ie, the fraction of
captures that were refunded). - Chargeback rate / volume: The number of chargebacks divided by the number of successful captures (ie, the fraction of captures that where a chargeback was obtained).
- Chargeback rate / amount: The negative of the sum of the amount charged back divided by the sum of the total amount captured (ie, the fraction of the amount captured that was charged back, expressed as a loss).
- Decline rate: The number of unsuccessful authorizations divided by the total number of authorizations (ie, the fraction of authorizations that were unsuccessful).
- 3DS trigger rate: The number of payments where a 3DS check was triggered divided by the total number of card payments (ie, the fraction of card payments that triggered a 3DS check).
- Retry success rate: The number of retried authorizations that were successful divided by the number of final attempts at retrying an authorization (ie, the fraction of retried authorizations that eventually succeeded).
- 3DS success rate: The number of successful 3DS checks divided by the total number of 3DS checks (ie, the fraction of 3DS checks that were successful).
- 3DS frictionless rate: The number of 3DS checks that were challenged divided by the total number of 3DS checks (ie, the fraction of 3DS checks that were challenged).
Creating and editing boards
Go to Dashboard › Analytics › Create new board to add a board to the list. The menu shows you several preset boards that you might use as a starting point, or you can create a blank board and add your own charts to it.
Each chart on the existing board has 2 buttons in the top-right corner. The top button duplicates the chart, which is useful if you want to edit it to create a variation on the original chart. The lower button takes you to the Chart builder screen to edit the chart.
Updated about 1 year ago