Mobile: iOS
Integrating the Dynamic Checkout UI on iOS
First, you should obtain and set up the ProcessOut iOS SDK in your project by following the instructions for iOS.
Then depending on your setup, you need to use either a view or a view controller to present the UI for the dynamic checkout.
- For SwiftUI users, use the PODynamicCheckoutView view.
- For UIKit users, use the PODynamicCheckoutViewController controller.
The creation process for both is similar, with the key difference being that for the UIKit version, you must pass the style during initialization, as it cannot be set later.
Other parameters that should be passed when creating the view or view controller include the configuration and delegate objects (discussed later).
After the payment is completed, the view calls a completion handler that you passed during its creation. This handler receives a result object that indicates either a success or a failure.
import ProcessOutUI
let configuration = PODynamicCheckoutConfiguration(
invoiceRequest: .init(invoiceId: "iv_xyz", clientSecret: "secret_xyz")
let view = PODynamicCheckoutView(
configuration: configuration,
delegate: delegate
completion: { result in
// TODO: handle payment result
import ProcessOutUI
let configuration = PODynamicCheckoutConfiguration(
invoiceRequest: .init(invoiceId: "iv_xyz", clientSecret: "secret_xyz")
let view = PODynamicCheckoutViewController(
style: .default,
configuration: configuration,
delegate: delegate
completion: { result in
// TODO: handle payment result
This allows you to appropriately respond to the outcome of the payment process, ensuring a seamless user experience.
The view accepts a configuration object PODynamicCheckoutConfiguration
that allows you to customize the displayed information and the behavior of the checkout screen.
The only mandatory parameter is the Invoice Request that includes Invoice ID you wish to authorize and Client Secret if you want customer's saved payment methods to be included. Other optional parameters include, but are not limited to:
- Card payment configuration.
- Alternative payments configuration.
- Modifying the visual and behavioral properties of the cancel button.
- Automatic payment method pre-selection.
- ApplePay configuration.
Example usage:
let alterantivePaymentConfiguration = PODynamicCheckoutAlternativePaymentConfiguration(
returnUrl: URL(string: "processout://return")
let configuration = PODynamicCheckoutConfiguration(
invoiceRequest(invoiceId: "iv_xzy"),
alternativePayment: alterantivePaymentConfiguration,
allowsSkippingPaymentList: false
let view = PODynamicCheckoutView(configuration: configuration, ...)
Card payment configuration
Card payment settings are primarily set via the ProcessOut dashboard when creating a dynamic checkout configuration. Additional settings within the SDK include:
: Set this if you know the customer's billing address in advance. -
: Property can be set totrue
if you want the implementation to fill in any fields the user didn't enter with defaults. This is especially useful in combination with thenever
collection mode (configured in dashboard) to set an address during card payment without allowing the user to change it.
Example usage:
let billingAddressConfiguration = PODynamicCheckoutCardConfiguration.BillingAddress(
defaultAddress: .init(zip: "M44 5YN", countryCode: "GB"),
attachDefaultsToPaymentMethod: false
let cardConfiguration = PODynamicCheckoutCardConfiguration(
billingAddress: billingAddressConfiguration,
metadata: [:]
let configuration = PODynamicCheckoutConfiguration(card: cardConfiguration, ...)
Alternative payment configuration
To support web-based alternative payment methods (APMs), ensure the returnUrl is set to a scheme-based deep link supported by your application. Additionally, notify the ProcessOut SDK when users return to the app via a deep link.
For instance, using a scene delegate:
func scene(_ scene: UIScene, openURLContexts urlContexts: Set<UIOpenURLContext>) {
guard let url = urlContexts.first?.url else {
let isHandled = ProcessOut.shared.processDeepLink(url: url)
Other options for native APMs include:
- Limiting the number of options displayed inline for single-choice parameters.
- Changing the maximum duration the implementation will wait for payment capture.
- Modifying the visual and behavioral properties of the cancel button.
For more detailed information, refer to the SDK reference.
When creating a PODynamicCheckoutView
, the delegate is a mandatory parameter that facilitates interaction and
decision-making throughout the checkout process. Below are the general responsibilities and specific tasks related to different payment methods that the delegate handles:
Events: Monitor events such as payment method selection and other interactions within the checkout flow.
Failure Recovery: Decide whether the user should continue the checkout flow after encountering specific failures, passed as an argument.
Card Payments
Card Tokenization Events: Receive notifications about events related to card tokenization.
Preferred Card Network Selection: When both scheme and co-scheme are available, determine which one to prefer.
Invoice Authorization: When authorizing an invoice the SDK prepares a
. The delegate implementation is given the opportunity to view and modify this request before it is processed. Additionally, your code must provide aPO3DSService
instance to handle 3DS authentication during the authorization process.
Alternative Payments
Native Alternative Payment Events
Default Parameter Values: Provide default values for parameters that the user is expected to fill in during the checkout process.
- Payment Authorization: When authorizing a payment using Apple Pay, your delegate is provided with the opportunity to view and modify the
that will be used for the authorization process. It is crucial to set thepaymentSummaryItems
in this request to ensure that the payment details are accurately displayed to the user.
For additional detailed information about the PODynamicCheckoutDelegate and its methods, you can refer to the delegate reference documentation.
To further customize the UI of the dynamic checkout on iOS, you can create a custom style and inject it into the view hierarchy using different methods depending on whether you are using SwiftUI or UIKit.
Using SwiftUI
In SwiftUI, you can customize the style by using the dynamicCheckoutStyle method.
let style = PODynamicCheckoutStyle(
backgroundColor: .gray, ...
let view = PODynamicCheckoutView(
configuration: configuration,
delegate: delegate,
completion: completion
Using UIKit
If you are using UIKit and PODynamicCheckoutViewController
, you can pass the custom style directly during initialization.
let style = PODynamicCheckoutStyle(
backgroundColor: .gray, ...
let viewController = PODynamicCheckoutViewController(
style: style,
configuration: configuration,
delegate: delegate,
completion: completion
Customizing the UI allows you to match the checkout experience with your app's design guidelines and user expectations effectively.
API bindings
For a highly customizable approach, you can leverage our API bindings directly to retrieve and display payment methods suitable for checkout.
Below is a code sample demonstrating how to fetch details, including dynamic checkout payment methods, for an existing invoice.
import ProcessOut
// Create a request to get invoice details.
let request = POInvoiceRequest(id: "iv_xzy")
// Execute request
do {
let invoice = try await ProcessOut.shared.invoices.invoice(request: request)
// TODO: Inspect `invoice.paymentMethods` for available methods.
} catch {
// TODO: Inspect `failure.code` for the detailed error reason.
This approach gives you flexibility in how you integrate and display payment methods based on the specific requirements of your checkout process, enhancing user experience and customization capabilities.
To access a comprehensive list of all possible payment methods supported by ProcessOut for dynamic checkout, you can refer to the PODynamicCheckoutPaymentMethod enumeration.
Updated about 2 months ago