
Permissions required

Manage roles and permissions > Manage members

This section allows administrators to manage existing members. On the list of members, you can find information about roles assigned to the member (if it's one role, you will see the role's name; if that's more than one - a number indicating the number of roles the member has). Please note that this is only relevant to the roles applied directly to the member and does not count any roles inherited from teams the member belongs to. You can also see the count of teams the member belongs to and the number of projects on which at least one role has been granted. If a role has been applied to a group of projects, projects count will count all the projects within this group. You can also see if the member enabled Multi-Factor Authentication.

Adding a new member

You can add up to 20 members to your organization at once; all you have to do is enter their emails and optionally grant permissions. When entering emails, you can either enter those manually, copy and paste individual emails, or copy and paste multiple comma-separated emails at once. If you decide to skip granting specific access at this stage, remember to add your new members to teams or define permissions before they first log in. Otherwise, they will not be able to access any project. Invite emails will be sent after clicking on the Send invite button on the Summary page. Emails will contain a link to the login page and a temporary password that should be used on the first login. This temporary password is valid only for 24 hours.

Re-sending invitation

Commonly, not all the invited members will be able to accept the invite within 24 hours. In such a case, you can select all (or a subset of) members by clicking checkboxes on the members list and then click on the action Resend invite above the table. This will result in new invitation emails sent to those members. You can perform the same action on each row individually by clicking on the three dots icon and then on Resend invite. You can easily identify the members who have not accepted the invite โ€“ their email addresses will be displayed in grey font, and there will be a (invite sent) text next to the email.

Changing member's access

You can change the permissions for every member (regardless of whether they have accepted the invite or not). To change access for a single member, click on the three-dot menu and then on Edit access in the dropdown. You will see this member's accessโ€”what roles have been applied to which parts of your organization. Click on the X symbol next to existing roles to remove them, or click on Grant access to add or change roles for a particular part of the organization. Remember to click on Save once you're done.

You can also change access to multiple members at once. Start by selecting multiple checkboxes on the Members table. Next, click on the Edit access button above the table. You will see a similar interface to when you edit a single member, but no existing permissions will be shown here. It's important to mention that after clicking on Save, any existing roles attached directly to any of the selected members will be removed, and only the roles defined on the screen will be granted.