Data warehouse exports

ProcessOut offers daily exports of your transaction data in a S3 bucket.


  1. ProcessOut gives you a role ARN that can read to the S3 bucket
  2. You send to ProcessOut a user ARN
  3. ProcessOut enables your user to assume the role
  4. You have access to the S3 bucket 🎉

Daily export

A daily export is a CSV file containing all the transaction operations that took place during the day. This means that it contains one row per operation, not per transaction.

Note that only non-sandbox data is exported.

Bucket format

The S3 bucket will contain all the historical daily exports partitioned by date (e.g. s3://bucket_name/proj_xxx/2025/02/14.csv). Every day, around 1am (UTC), a new file is added with the previous day's data.

Data format

Here is the list of available columns in the exports:

  • project_uid: Unique identifier for the project.
  • tx_uid: Unique identifier for the transaction.
  • tx_operation_uid: Unique identifier for the transaction operation.
  • challenge_indicator: Indicator for whether a challenge was requested during authentication.
  • sca_exemption_reason: Reason for Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) exemption.
  • invoice_uid: Unique identifier for the invoice.
  • gateway_configuration_uid: Unique identifier for the payment gateway configuration.
  • gateway_configuration_name: Name of the payment gateway configuration.
  • gateway_operation_uid: Unique identifier for the gateway operation.
  • gateway_name: Name of the payment gateway used for the transaction.
  • type: Type of transaction operation (e.g. request, authorization, capture, refund).
  • has_failed: Boolean flag indicating if the operation has failed.
  • is_attempt: Boolean flag indicating if the operation is an attempt pre-operation.
  • sandbox: Boolean flag indicating if the transaction was processed in sandbox environment.
  • name: Name associated with the invoice.
  • amount: Transaction amount in the original currency.
  • amount_local: Transaction amount in the project currency.
  • currency: Currency of the transaction.
  • gateway_fee: Fee charged by the payment gateway in the original currency.
  • gateway_fee_local: Fee charged by the payment gateway in the local currency.
  • gateway_fee_currency: Currency in which the gateway fee is charged.
  • tx_created_at: Timestamp indicating when the transaction was created.
  • tx_updated_at: Timestamp indicating when the transaction was last updated.
  • created_at: Timestamp indicating when the operation was created.
  • payment_type: Type of payment method used.
  • status: Current status of the transaction (e.g., pending, succeeded, failed).
  • initiation_type: Type of transaction initiation (MIT or CIT).
  • payment_intent: For a MIT, type of payment flow that generated the transaction.
  • error_code: ProcessOut error code representing the reason of the transaction failure.
  • routing_tags: Tags associated to the routing rules used for routing the transaction.
  • metadata: Additional metadata associated with the operation.
  • detail_country: Country associated with the customer.
  • acquirer_name: Name of the acquiring bank.
  • eci: Electronic Commerce Indicator value for authentication.
  • merchant_account_id: Identifier for the merchant account processing the transaction.
  • scheme_id: Identifier for the card scheme.
  • initial_scheme_tx_id: Scheme ID to use for subsequent CIT/MITs if applicable.
  • recommendation_code: Code representing the gateway's recommendation to retry the transaction.
  • recommendation_reason: Gateway's recommendation to retry the transaction.
  • chargeback_reason: Reason provided for a chargeback.
  • card_scheme: Scheme of the card.
  • card_brand: Brand of the card.
  • card_bank: Issuing bank of the card.
  • card_iin: Issuer Identification Number (first 6-8 digits of the card).
  • card_last4: Last 4 digits of the card number.
  • card_cvc_check: Result of the Card Verification Code check.
  • card_co_scheme: Co-branded scheme associated with the card.
  • card_category: Category of the card (e.g. consumer, business).
  • card_country_code: Country code of the card.
  • card_preferred_scheme: Preferred scheme associated with the card.
  • card_created_at: Timestamp when the card was created.
  • tx_metadata: Additional metadata specific to the transaction.
  • card_expires_at: Expiry date of the card.
  • forced_effective_scheme: Effective scheme used for the transaction, if forced.
  • device_channel: Device channel used for the transaction (e.g. mobile, web).
  • is_network_token: Boolean flag indicating if the card is a network token.
  • card_avs_check: Result of the Address Verification System check.
  • card_type: Type of card (e.g. credit, debit, prepaid).
  • tx_three_ds_status: Status of the 3D Secure authentication.
  • tx_three_ds_cres_status: Status of the challenge response in 3D Secure.
  • tx_three_ds_ares_status: Status of the authentication response in 3D Secure.
  • tx_three_ds_challenged: Boolean flag indicating if the transaction was challenged via 3D Secure.
  • tx_three_ds_fingerprinted: Boolean flag indicating if 3D Secure fingerprinting was performed.
  • tx_three_ds_version: Version of 3D Secure used.
  • order_id: Identifier for the order associated with the transaction.
  • error_message: Gateway's error message.
  • card_uid: Unique identifier for the card.
  • card_fingerprint: Unique fingerprint for the card.
  • card_ip_address: IP address of the card.
  • customer_uid: Unique identifier for the customer.
  • customer_ip_address: IP address of the customer.
  • customer_country_code: Country code of the customer.
  • customer_token: Tokenized representation of the customer.

Please note that we may add new columns and re-order existing columns from time to time. Your implementation should handle this case. Existing columns will keep the same names and data format.

Data sample

"proj_xxx","tr_xxx","tr_op_xxx","","","iv_xxx","gway_conf_xxx","***","***","stripe","authorization","true","false","false","***","146.41","146.41","USD","0","0","","2025-01-29 21:35:59.440711","2025-02-11 02:06:01.590407","2025-02-11 02:06:01.590407","card","failed","","","gateway.blocked","[""tag1"", ""tag2""]","{""key1"": ""value1"", ""key2"": ""value2""}","US","***","","***","***","***","","","","visa","visa business","CROSS RIVER BANK","123456","1234","unavailable","","business","US","","2025-01-29 21:28:37.584066","{""key1"": ""value1"", ""key2"": ""value2""}","2029-03-01 01:01:01.000000","","","false","unknown","credit","","","","false","false","0","","Stripe blocked this payment as too risky.","card_xxx","***","***","cust_xxx","***","","tok_xxx"
"proj_xxx","tr_xxx","tr_op_xxx","","","iv_xxx","gway_conf_xxx","***","***","checkoutcom","authorization","true","false","false","***","146.41","146.41","USD","0","0","","2025-01-29 21:35:59.440711","2025-02-11 02:06:01.590407","2025-02-11 02:06:00.275722","card","failed","","","","[""tag1"", ""tag2""]","{""key1"": ""value1"", ""key2"": ""value2""}","US","***","","***","***","***","02","Try again later.","","visa","visa business","CROSS RIVER BANK","123456","1234","unavailable","","business","US","","2025-01-29 21:28:37.584066","{""key1"": ""value1"", ""key2"": ""value2""}","2029-03-01 01:01:01.000000","","","false","unknown","credit","","","","false","false","0","","Insufficient Funds","card_xxx","***","***","cust_xxx","***","","tok_xxx"
"proj_xxx","tr_xxx","tr_op_xxx","","","iv_xxx","gway_conf_xxx","***","***","checkoutcom","request","false","false","false","***","146.41","146.41","USD","0","0","","2025-01-29 21:35:59.440711","2025-02-11 02:06:01.590407","2025-02-11 02:06:00.275700","card","failed","","","","[""tag1"", ""tag2""]","{""key1"": ""value1"", ""key2"": ""value2""}","US","***","","***","***","***","","","","visa","visa business","CROSS RIVER BANK","123456","1234","unavailable","","business","US","","2025-01-29 21:28:37.584066","{""key1"": ""value1"", ""key2"": ""value2""}","2029-03-01 01:01:01.000000","","","false","unknown","credit","","","","false","false","0","","","card_xxx","***","***","cust_xxx","***","","tok_xxx"

What’s Next

Contact us if you need these data exports!