JUMP TOProcessOut APIGetting StartedStatus updatesWebhooksHandling errorsUsing resourcesCreating resourcesFetching resourcesExpanding resourcesListing resourcesAdding metadataInvoicesCreate an invoicepostFetch an invoicegetAuthorizing an invoicepostIncrement an authorization on an invoicepostVoid an invoicepostCapture an invoicepostRefund an invoicepostDelete an invoicedeleteCustomersCreating a customerpostFetching a customergetUpdating a customerputDeleting a customerdeleteListing a customer transactionsgetCardsCreating a cardpostProvisioning Network Token for cardpostFetching a cardgetDelete a carddeleteUpdating a cardputTokensCreating a tokenpostFetching a tokengetUpdate a tokenputDeleting a tokendeleteListing a tokens of a customergetFetch a token balancegetTransactionFetching a transactiongetEventsFetching an eventgetReconciliationListing payoutsgetFetching a payoutgetListing payout itemsgetListing reportsgetFetching reportgetDownloading raw PSP reportgetSetting up SFTP payouts exportputDeleting SFTP payouts exportdeleteDeleting uploaded reportdeleteDeleting payoutdeleteUpdating a customerput https://api.processout.com/customers/{customer_id}You can update a Customer object that you have already created by modifying its data fields directly and then calling the save() function on the object. You would most likely update a customer's details after first fetching them from storage.