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Use the capture() function to capture payment on an invoice. This returns a Transaction object if it is successful or reports an error if the request cannot be handled. See the guide page about capturing a payment for examples and for more detail about how capturing fits into the payment flow.

Note that when capture() returns the Transaction object, this does not necessarily mean that the payment has succeeded immediately. You should check the status field of the object for completed status to confirm the payment. We recommend that you use webhooks to receive updates about the status of the transaction because it can change even after the capture() call has returned.

You must provide a payment source for the capture (Card, Token, or gateway request) unless it has been Authorizing an invoice previously. You can also pass an options object as a second parameter to enable extra features on Payment Service Providers (PSPs) that support them. The options include:

  • capture_amount: Some PSPs support partial captures, where the amount you eventually capture is less than the amount you originally specified in the invoice. Use capture_amount to choose the amount for a partial capture, if your PSPs provide this feature. For PSPs that do not support partial captures, you can get the same effect by capturing the full amount and then issuing a partial refund later.
  • capture_statement_descriptor: When you create an invoice, you can supply a statement descriptor, which is the text that will appear on the customer's bank statement for the payment. Some PSPs let you change the statement descriptor during capture. Set capture_statement_descriptor to the new text you want to use for the descriptor or omit this option to use the original descriptor from the invoice.
  • invoice_detail_ids: When you create an invoice, you can supply a set of invoice details to represent separate items being purchased (which might be items in a shopping cart, say). Some PSPs let you restrict the purchase to just a subset of these items during capture. Set invoice_detail_ids with an array that contains the id values of the InvoiceDetail objects that you want to include. If you omit this option (or the PSP does not support it) then the full list from the details field of the invoice will be used.

Note that if you do authorize the payment before capture then you can simply call the capture() function without any parameters.
